1. Car Attributes


Players have 40 points to allocate among these car skills:

  1. Reliability: The reliability reduce the chance of a breakdown.

  2. Maniability: The maniability increases the car's ability to turn and corner at high speeds.

  3. Max speed: The max speed increases the car's top speed and acceleration.

  4. Brakes: The brakes increase the car's braking power and reduce the stopping distance.

  5. Car balance: The balance increases the car's stability and reduce the chance of spinning out.

  6. Aerodynamics: The aerodynamics increase the car's downforce and reduce the chance of losing grip.

  7. Drivers Skills: The driver skills increase the driver's skill and reduce the chance of making mistakes.

  8. Luck: The luck attributes will boost all your car's attributes by a small percentage. But decrease it too much and the opposite will happen!

Attributes Interactions

Each attribute has 3 positive and 3 negative factors that affect the time calculation. The positive factors amplify each other, while the negative ones neglect their effect. The description can be found below:

  1. Speed:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Aerodynamics: Good aerodynamics reduce drag and enhance speed.

      • Driver Skills: Skilled drivers can make better use of high speed.

      • Reliability: Reliable cars can sustain high speeds over longer distances.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Brakes: Poor brakes can reduce the effectiveness of high speed, especially in technical sections.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can reduce the effectiveness of high speed.

      • Car Balance: Poor car balance can reduce the effectiveness of high speed.

  2. Brakes:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Driver Skills: Skilled drivers can make better use of brakes, reducing stopping distance.

      • Car Balance: Good car balance helps in effective braking.

      • Reliability: Reliable brakes perform consistently under different conditions.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Speed: High speed requires better brakes; poor brakes reduce high-speed effectiveness.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can reduce braking effectiveness.

      • Aerodynamics: Poor aerodynamics can affect braking stability.

  3. Aerodynamics:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Speed: Higher speed benefits from good aerodynamics by reducing drag.

      • Downforce Level: Higher downforce levels enhance aerodynamic effectiveness.

      • Car Balance: Good car balance enhances aerodynamic stability.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Maniability: Poor maniability reduces the benefits of good aerodynamics in technical sections.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can reduce aerodynamic effectiveness.

      • Brakes: Poor brakes can affect the aerodynamic performance.

  4. Maniability:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Car Balance: Good car balance enhances maniability.

      • Driver Skills: Skilled drivers can make better use of maniability.

      • Aerodynamics: Good aerodynamics can improve handling.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Speed: Excessive speed can reduce the effectiveness of maniability in technical sections.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can reduce maniability effectiveness.

      • Reliability: Poor reliability can affect handling performance.

  5. Reliability:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Lap Length: Longer tracks require higher reliability to maintain performance.

      • Driver Skills: Skilled drivers can make better use of the car's reliability.

      • Brakes: Reliable brakes perform consistently under different conditions.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Speed: High speed can strain reliability, especially over longer distances.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can strain reliability.

      • Maniability: Poor maniability can affect reliability over long distances.

  6. Driver Skills:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Speed: Skilled drivers can make better use of high speed.

      • Maniability: Skilled drivers can make better use of maniability.

      • Brakes: Skilled drivers can make better use of brakes.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can challenge even skilled drivers.

      • Random Variability: Even skilled drivers have some degree of variability in performance.

      • Reliability: Poor reliability can affect a driver's performance.

  7. Car Balance:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Maniability: Good car balance enhances maniability.

      • Brakes: Good car balance helps in effective braking.

      • Aerodynamics: Good car balance enhances aerodynamic stability.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Speed: Excessive speed can reduce the effectiveness of car balance.

      • Weather: Poor weather conditions can affect car balance.

      • Driver Skills: Poor driver skills can negate the benefits of good car balance.

  8. Weather:

    • Positive Factors:

      • Aerodynamics: Good aerodynamics can partially mitigate the impact of poor weather.

      • Driver Skills: Skilled drivers can partially mitigate the impact of poor weather.

      • Car Balance: Good car balance can help manage poor weather conditions.

    • Negative Factors:

      • Speed: Poor weather conditions reduce the effectiveness of high speed.

      • Maniability: Poor weather conditions reduce maniability effectiveness.

      • Brakes: Poor weather conditions reduce braking effectiveness.

Last updated